Redfern Health Centre Patient Charter

We are committed to giving you the best possible service. This will be achieved by working together. Help us to help you. The practice will try to ensure that:


*  You will be treated with courtesy and respect.

*  You have the right to be seen by a doctor for urgent conditions on the same day that you request assistance.

*  You have the right to express a preference to see a particular doctor.

*  Repeat prescriptions will be processed within two working days of your request.

*  In an emergency, out of normal working hours, if you telephone the practice you will be given a number to receive assistance, which will require no more than one further call.  

*  All aspects of your visit will be dealt with in the strictest confidence and you will have complete privacy if this is required.

*  You will be treated as a partner in the care and attention you receive.

* When necessary, you have the right to be referred to a consultant at a choice of hospitals of clinics acceptable to you.

*  Information about the services we offer will be made available to you. Every effort will be made to ensure that you receive the information, which directly affects your health and care being offered.

*  All team members are committed to maintaining good quality communication with other agencies that may help you.

* You have the right to access your health records, which now includes on-line access, subject to any limitation by law. A small fee may be charged to cover costs if you require any copies. The practice complies with the Data Protection and Freedom of  Information Act. 


We Need Help Too

* Please treat practice staff and doctors with the same consideration and courtesy as you wish to be treated. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or other persons present on the practice premises or any place where treatment is provided.

* Please accept that insisting on being seen the same day for non-urgent problems delays the care of those with genuine urgent problems.

* Please attend appointments on time or give the practice adequate notice that you wish to cancel.

* An appointment is for one person only. Where another family member needs to be seen or discussed, another appointment should be made.

* Patients should make every effort to attend appointments offered at the health centre to ensure the best use of nursing and medical time. The less time a doctor spends travelling, the more time is available for patients. Please do not ask for a home visit unless it is medically justifiable and not for social convenience.

* If you change your name, address or telephone number, please inform us, as we may need to contact you urgently.