About Us

The Partners:

Dr Helen J Bloomer MB, BS, AKC, DRCOG, female - qualified 1985 (London)

Dr Peter Roberts MBBS, BSc (Hons), DCH, male - qualified 1996 (St. Mary's Hospital Medical School)

 Dr Kieran Leddy BSc,MB,ChB,DCH,DRCOG,MRCGP,DFFP, male - qualified 1999 (Cardiff)
The Practice Team

Practice Manager - Our Practice Manager plays a major role in the organisation and daily running of the practice. She is available to address your non-medical enquiries and also to discuss any suggestions or complaints.

Receptionists/Admin/Care Co-Ordinators - Our nine members of staff are trained to help you and are your link with the rest of the practice. The more information you are able to give them, the more they will be able to assist you. Please help them to help you, by telephoning for routine appointments and results of tests in the afternoon.

Practice Nurses

The practice employs two state registered nurses. Morning and afternoon clinics are held by appointment. The nurses deal with minor injuries and ailments, removal of sutures, travel advice, immunisations, and run chronic disease clinics. They are also specially trained to undertake women's health screening examinations, perform HRT and contraceptive checks, run health promotion clinics and to provide dietary advice. Special investigations such as 24 hour blood pressure and ECG monitoring and breathing tests are also provided at your doctor's request.

Health Care Assistant and Phlebotomist - Our two members of staff support the practice nurses undertaking various tasks including routine blood and other tests.