Booking An Appointment?

Consulting Times.

8.30am - 11.30am   Monday - Friday (by appointment)

3.00 - 5.30              Monday - Friday (by appointment)

The partners consult by 10 minute appointments. Where possible we aim to offer you an appointment within 48 hours with your preferred doctor. If you think your consultation may be lengthy please tell the receptionist so that she can reserve adequate time. If you are unable to keep your appointment please inform the receptionist.


We offer an Early Bird Clinic, in particular to provide an additional option for local residents, whose work commitments create difficulties in attending the Health Centre during normal working hours.

Ten-minute appointments with a Doctor are available from 07:30 – 07:50 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

This is not a walk-in clinic and appointments must be made in advance

Nurse clinic appointments will remain at a starting time of 08:30am.