Friends Of The Redfern Centre

Registered Charity no.296814

Friends of Redfern Centre, - FORC, was formed in April 1987 and is run by patients for patients.    Its aim is to bnefit the local community served by the Redfern Centre by assisting those who are sick, disabled, infirm or elderly who are under the care of the health centre and generally to support and extend the level of primary health care by enabling the purchase and maintenance of equipment, as requested by the doctors and nurses.

There are 13 trustees who deal with the administration and meet four times a year.   There is also an annual fund raising event organised by the committee.   A list of members and trustees can be found below on this page.   In addition, all patients of the Redfern Centre are automatically members of FORC.

FORC has the following aims:

(i)        to provide, or loan, medical and other equipment for use by the Centre, its patients and staff
(ii)       to organise patient transport service
(iii)     to raise funds and invite and receive monetary contributions
Thousands of pounds of equipment has been purchased via FORC to assist the Redfern Centre and for the direct benefit of patients.  Now many treatments and minor operations can be performed at the Centre without the need for patients to travel to Derriford or Torbay hospitals due to the purchase of specialised equipment,
e.g. Cryotherapy for skin lesions;  24 hour blood pressure machine;  24 hour ECG machine;  Audiometer;  ECG machine;  Spirometer and  minor surgery equipment.


A car service is available for patients without their own transport to keep appointments at the Redfern Centre.   This is run by volunteer drivers and a small donation by patients to cover costs.   This unique service is very much appreciated by patients and if you feel you would like to join the team of drivers and would like further details, please contact the scheme co-ordinator,  Sue Dobson on 01548 842784


FORC are grateful for any donations, however small, and there are several ways to do this:

Cash donation box

This is on the reception counter at the Redfern Health Centre.

Please hand the donation to the Receptionist if it is more than £20.


Made payable to ‘Friends of the Redfern Centre.’

Please hand the donation to the Receptionist if it is more thatn £20.

One off or regular Internet Bank Transfer.

Our account number with Lloyds Bank is 00676051, sort code 30-94-72

Account name: Friends of the Redfern Centre

Reference: your surname.
Due to data protection regulations, we will not have your details to thank you for your donation, so we wish to thank you in advance. However, if you would like an acknowledgement in writing, please forward your contact details to the Treasurer.

Regular annual/monthly Standing Order.
Please contact the Treasurer to arrange this.

If you are a tax payer, and would like to Gift Aid your donation, please either collect a form from reception, or contact the Treasurer.

Please contact the Treasurer if you would like more information about making a donation.

FORC Treasurer:  Stephen Ramsden



Chairman:       Mr Terence Andrew      

Vice Chairman: Mrs Pam Hincklieff

Treasurer:        Mr Stephen Ramsden

Secretary:       Mrs Jan Carter       Tel: 01548 560086


Mrs Eve Barrett  

   Mrs Sue Dobson

    Mr Mike Fice

    Mrs Susan Hiscock

    Mrs Maureen Hutchings

     Mr Clive Parsons

     Mrs Penny Read

     Mrs Christine Turner

     Mr Chris Turns