
Asthma Clinic

This clinic is run by the practice nurse for those requiring assistance for the control of their treatment. We aim to see patients with asthma at least once a year.

Cervical Smears

We encourage women from the age of 24 to 65 to have regular cervical smear tests. You will receive an invitation to make an appointment with the practice nurse, who will perform a well woman check.

Child Development Checks

These checks are performed by the doctor and health visitor during the parent and child clinic and at home by the health visitor. A routine hearing test at approximately seven months will be carried out at the health centre. Parents will be contacted for an appointment.

Child Immunisation

The practice offers a full immunisation service for children. Appointments will be offered to see the practice nurse when these are due.

Diabetic Clinic

This clinic aims to improve the care of our diabetic patients and is run by your doctor and practice nurse. We aim to see patients with diabetes at least once a year.

Family Planning

All partners offer a range of family planning care. Emergency contraception is available from your doctor, the practice nurse or your pharmacist.

Health Promotion Clinic

Our practice nurses are available to provide advice concerning a healthier lifestyle e.g. diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol. They will also check your blood pressure, weight and perform further tests as appropriate.

Maternity Care

This practice has a policy of shared maternity care between doctor and midwife. The midwife runs weekly ante-natal clinics at the Health Centre.

Minor Surgery

All the partners perform minor surgery from our well-equipped treatment room.

Non-NHS Examinations

Medical examinations for special purposes e.g. elderly drivers, pre-employment,HGV etc. can be arranged by appointment. A fee will be payable for these examinations. Various forms requiring the doctor's signature may also attract a fee. A list of current charges is displayed in the waiting room.

Travel Immunisation

Our practice nurses offer advice to those travelling abroad including provision of necessary immunisations. Please make an appointment well in advance of your trip as vaccinations take time to be effective. Please note a fee may be payable for some immunisations not funded by the NHS.